A Swiss Geek previously in Singapore, now in Portugal


Should aws-sdk be included in the bundle?

When deploying a NodeJS application on AWS Lambda, common practice is to exclude @aws-sdk. But should we?

Set DynamoDB TTL values on existing data

You created an application using DynamoDB, once your table size grows, you realize that you didn’t define a TTL. Time to solve this by defining a TTL key. But how about all the existing data, how can you backfill a value in all the fields?

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Serverless Search with Lambda

Adding a search capability to your application doesn’t necessarily mean using dedicated solutions. We can build a Serverless solutions that allows scaling while keeping the costs low.

Diving into Cloudfront

Cloudfront can be simply defined as a CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching your static assets in a datacenter nearer to your viewers. But Cloudfront is a lot more complex and versatile than this simple definition. Cloudfront is a “pull” CDN, which means that you don’t push your content to the CDN. The content is pulled into the CDN Edge from the origin at the first request of any piece of content.

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Convert and distribute your videos with AWS Elemental

You are in possession of some videos that you want to distribute or share. Your use case could be as simple as needing to share a lower resolution of a video taken on your smartphone or camera. Or your use case could be as complex as sharing production-quality copies of the latest movie you are producing. For both cases you can use Serverless Cloud Products to address your needs. AWS Elemental MediaConvert, one of the Media tools from the AWS Elemental family, will allow you to solve your problem.

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Use IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO) to protect your Cloudfront served application

You built a new web application, you are serving it using Cloudfront, but you want that only members from your organization can view the pre-release version. You want to add a password protection using the already existing IAM Identity Center (Successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to grant access to your organization.

My First Lambda Container

AWS announced the support for running containers inside Lambda. Since I had a little side project that would benefit from it, I dived in. I passed through the 4 stages of a typical Re:Invent announcement: excitement, disappointment, anger and resignation.

AWS SES Receive: It's Worse Than You Thought

No IMAP client. No forwarding capabilities. And worst of all, a useless SPAM detection algorithm.

Serverless E-Mail forwarder with AWS SES

If you don’t need (or don’t want to pay for) a real E-Mail solution for your domain, but just need to communicate nice looking addresses and have them forwarded to your real, fully fledged E-Mail host. Then this solution is for you.

Resize Images on the Fly

Clients know the best what sizes an image should be (screen size, dpr, …). Don’t pre-generate useless sizes and let them ask for the dimensions that suits them best.