A Swiss Geek previously in Singapore, now in Portugal


Diving into Cloudfront

Cloudfront can be simply defined as a CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching your static assets in a datacenter nearer to your viewers. But Cloudfront is a lot more complex and versatile than this simple definition. Cloudfront is a “pull” CDN, which means that you don’t push your content to the CDN. The content is pulled into the CDN Edge from the origin at the first request of any piece of content.

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Use IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO) to protect your Cloudfront served application

You built a new web application, you are serving it using Cloudfront, but you want that only members from your organization can view the pre-release version. You want to add a password protection using the already existing IAM Identity Center (Successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to grant access to your organization.

Resize Images on the Fly

Clients know the best what sizes an image should be (screen size, dpr, …). Don’t pre-generate useless sizes and let them ask for the dimensions that suits them best.

Cors at the Edge

With the raise of API driven apps, CORS is becoming an unavoidable subject. By adding a CDN, your CORS rules become a burden on caching.

From Wordpress to Hugo

As mentioned in Going Static, I migrated my Wordpress blogs to a static site build with Hugo. Most articles on the subject convinced me that it would be easy. The truth is, it isn’t that straight forward. Content With help of a Wordpress plugin, exporting your posts and content is easy. The plugin adds the necessary front matter in Yaml format. But you still need to go through all your posts to update manually all image references. Depending on the amount of posts and images you have, this can be a tremendous task.

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The Corporate Disease

The tech B2B world has changed in the last decade. It used to be sales talks to sales and agree on a product and price. Then give the job to the tech team. In a tech-startup, Geeks are King. They decide what’s useful or usable. If you can’t convince the geek, you won’t get the business. At Spuul, I am on geek-side of the chain, and too often I had to experience the lack of market knowledge from some corporations. If I have to spend endless hours in meetings, sign an endless trail of paperwork and involve all departments of the company just to be able to start testing a service, the game is not worth it. It doesn’t matter how good your product is or how well Gartner ranks you. You are just too much hassle.

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Koken: Serve assets through CDN

You can highly improve your site display speed by using a CDN. This is also true with Koken. Koken doesn’t provide a “out of the box” way to handle CDN, so I wrote a plugin to allow you to serve your Koken assets through edges closer to your visitors.

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First steps into Cloudflare

While writing about Cloudfront, I came accross another CDN service called Cloudflare. The free entry price made me suspicious, hosting and transport has a price. Since I had nothing to loose and that this domain was new, I decided to give it a try. So far, didn’t find any dirty trick. What is Cloudflare? CDN is one of the features, but in fact, they do more than just delivery. Content Delivery Network They place themselves in the CDN category. They are not a CDN in the strict sens of the term. You are not able to push files to Cloudflare and let them serve it. They are acting as a proxy in front of your site, same way Varnish would do it. But instead of having only one proxy server, they have them spread over the world, assuring that each user always get the content from the nearest one, and therefore reducing latency and speeding up the page serving.

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